Millennials in the workplace are no stranger to controversy and criticism, but the generation shouldn’t be overlooked as it boasts a wide-range of dynamic qualities that make them strong leaders.

These top five millennial leadership qualities shouldn’t be overlooked by management when hiring or promoting, and they present some learning opportunities everyone in the office can benefit from.

Technology Know-How

Millennials grew up in the Digital Age, so computers and tech are second-nature to them. Their deep understanding of technology doesn’t just stop at the workplace; they use technology to manage their most personal moments, too. This intimate connection with technology makes them more apt at naturally infusing the office with an innovative, up-to-date mindset.

Strive for Success

Millennials graduate with massive college debt; they’ve entered the workforce during tough economic times when the cost of living makes it impossible to afford their own place. As a result, they’re more determined to work hard and see results that give them the type of success they need to be independent in adulthood.

Their hard-working attitudes make them results-driven and eager to accomplish any task presented to them. A competitive job market also makes most millennials well-versed in communication strategy and more serious about the opportunities they’re given.

Thinking Outside the Box

Millennials don’t have to try to be innovative. Evolution is just part of their mindset. A millennial worker doesn’t settle for the status quo. They’re committed to refining and improving the way things are done in order to become faster, more efficient and, ultimately, more profitable.

They don’t want to sit back and wait for something to change. Millennials are a generation defined by their brazen attitudes and willingness to take important risks.

Love to Collaborate

Teamwork is a valuable aspect of company culture to millennials. A collaborative environment fosters creativity, boosts morale and improves employee engagement. Millennials want to feel like they’re part of a work family, and they bring a refreshing perspective to office communications.

They Know How to Make Work Fun

Most Millennials aren’t interested in office politics or the formality that previously dominated the workplace. A millennial is more interested in connecting with coworkers and getting the job done in a way that’s both efficient and entertaining. When people have fun at work and feel like they can truly connect with their colleagues, productivity skyrockets and results double.