Matt’s Blog

How Failure Makes You A Better Leader
There's a common misconception about leadership that leaders are exceptions to making mistakes. Leaders are human too which leaves the probability that they will make decisions that may not profit them favorably. However, this is all a part of the learning experience...

How To Become A More Self Aware Leader
Leadership skills are what carry the most successful businesses, projects, and groups to their highest capacity. Being a good leader requires a certain level of self-awareness. Leaders can easily get swept up with the assessments they make of others and often times...

How Leaders Can Prepare For Succession
Succession planning is one of the most important long-term investments that every business owner should consider investing in. It basically involves setting in place mechanisms to ensure that a smooth transition process is effected once the existing leaders leave the...

The Best Books On Leadership
Leadership is defined differently by everyone. Some people may believe in a strong, dictatorial form of leadership while others are much more compassionate, acting less as a leader and more as a member of the team. Discovering your own leadership style can be...

Habits of Empathetic Leaders
When it comes to being a leader, empathy is of the utmost importance. Empathy allows us to understand how another person is feeling by putting ourselves in their shoes, which is vital when leading a team. Your team will likely not follow you if you can’t see things...

A Quick Guide to Minimizing Turnover in the Workplace
For small and large companies alike, minimizing turnover is an important ingredient in the recipe for success. It costs time and money to train new hires, and more significantly, new hires don't understand the nuances of the work. The best employee is a dedicated,...

How Team Building Improves Business
Team building is a crucial component of any successful business operation. When you’re talking about the culture within the workplace, successful team building is an essential component. Team building brings people together for a common goal to produce results. Here...

3 Tips To Successfully Navigate Your First Leadership Role
At some point in time, almost everyone will find themselves in a leadership role of some kind. For some, it’s the ultimate goal within their professional career. Leadership can come in various forms; it might be taking on a role as a project manager on a small...

Keeping Employees Happy
Employees are the backbone of any business. They should, therefore, be handled in a manner that promotes their happiness in the workplace. Promoting employee happiness has a direct effect on their ability to discharge their responsibilities well. Here are some tips on...

How to Attract Talent in Business
Professional talent is crucial to the success of your business. As an employer, you should endeavor to hire workers who are not only professional but also talented. The process of obtaining such talent may, however, be complex and too involving, especially in a market...