by matthewlittlemore | Jan 22, 2019 | Blog, Leadership
Millennials in the workplace are no stranger to controversy and criticism, but the generation shouldn’t be overlooked as it boasts a wide-range of dynamic qualities that make them strong leaders. These top five millennial leadership qualities shouldn’t be...
by matthewlittlemore | Dec 20, 2018 | Blog, Leadership, Uncategorized
In the business world, if a person decides to go it alone, they’ll have a greater struggle than someone who decides to use a business mentor. A mentor has experience under their belt. They can give a person reassurance and encouragement and help motivate them...
by matthewlittlemore | Oct 30, 2018 | Blog, Leadership, Uncategorized
A high turnover rate in business is not a positive reflection of an organizations potential for success. When a valued employee makes the decision to leave their position it’s not only difficult to find a replacement for such great talent, but their departure could...
by matthewlittlemore | Sep 25, 2018 | Blog
Company culture is still as important as ever for today’s businesses. According to Forbes, over 1,400 CEOS in the US believe that cultivating a strong company culture is an essential part of an organization’s success. Corporate culture in the workplace...
by matthewlittlemore | Jun 21, 2018 | Blog
We’ve probably all heard the saying “anyone can be a manager, but not everyone can be a leader”. How much can a managers leadership skills impact the workplace and it’s employees? Can a lack of leadership actually be detrimental to a businesses overalls success? The...